Wednesday, April 28, 2010

5 Months

Ok, I know I have been HORRIBLE at updating this blog. Jason and I are buying our first house, with summer being right around the corner work is insane and I am still pregnant and tired! That being said I have a few things to blog about so hopefully the next few days I can sit down and tap out the stories! In the meantime here is my very late 5 month survey.....

How far along? almost 21 weeks (already?!?)
Total weight gain: + 5 lbs.....hey I guess I had to get on the + side at some point :)
Maternity clothes?: O yeah!
Sleep: Fantastic!!
Best moment this week: I am officially more pregnant than I have ever been
Movement: one man party going on in my uterus these days
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In, but really flat
What I miss: Not much, although a big glass of wine would be fantastic right about now
What I'm looking forward to: 24 weeks.....viability outside the womb (although he has strict orders to stay in for the next 19 weeks or so)
Milestones: I can feel Cayden move everyday now

1 comment:

  1. Were so happy for you! How amazing! Good luck on the baby and the house! Congrats all the way around!
