Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hey I am only 2 days late!

On only my second week of my randomness posts I am already late! I promise to do better next week. For your reading pleasure, here is installment #2...

1. When I was 7, my brother was 6 and my cousin was 5 I told them that I had discovered there was no Santa Claus (my mom and aunt were pretty mad)
2. I was forming and speaking in sentences before my 1st birthday (perhaps a sign of things to come)
3. I fell out of my chair today at work
4. I once took a co-worker to the ER (I won't name names, you know who you are) for a bruise that she had self diagnosed on webmd as a blood clot. The ER doctor actually laughed at us. I have never had so much fun at an ER in my entire life
5. In college I was offered two jobs at two different day cares on the same day. The orientation for each job just happened to be at the same time so I had to pick one, and I picked the Montessori preschool. I had to dress up for work there and could not find anything to wear. I finally pieced something together and asked my roommate what she thought. She said it looked bad, so I put on jeans and a tee-shirt and headed up to my second choice job the YMCA. 2 days later I met my future husband who also worked at the Y and the rest is history. I guess you could say I met my husband because I didn't like my outfit choices!

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