Monday, November 9, 2009


I have been blog hopping in hopes of getting some fun things to write about when I am not pregnant. I came across a blog writer that every Monday writes 5 random things about herself for her readers. I thought it was a cute idea, so here are my 5 random things for the week!

1. I would listen to Christmas music all year long if I thought it was socially acceptable
2. I could live off chicken fingers alone
3. When I was in college I was at a stoplight with my windows rolled down, jamming to music. I thought the guys next to me were staring because they thought I was cute. Then I realized I was listening/singing/dancing to the monster mash abnormally loud, and I was 20. It was then I realized why they were staring!
4. When I was pregnant with the bean I once drank cranberry juice out of a cocktail glass at a conference to be like everyone else
5. I use the word seriously entirely too much

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