Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Check that off the list

Of things Jason and I should not do together if we want to stay married. A little background, number one on the list; golf. This one happened about 1 year into our relationship. Since I was still in college and we only got to see each other on the weekends, he invited me to attend a golf demo day with him and I happily obliged. About 4 hours and a couple golf clubs that came entirely too close to each of our heads later, golf was the official start of our list. Number 2; grocery shopping. This happened a few years later right after we moved in together. He likes to shop in lighting fast speed and I have a very specific pattern that I follow in the grocery store. You could say I am more of a casual shopper and really have no idea what I am looking for. He is a man on a mission and anything/anyone that gets in his way will be run over. I was/am that someone. After causing a little scene in the produce isle, grocery shopping officially became number 2 on the list. This brings us to number 3, Christmas shopping. This has been hanging by a thread for a few years now and for the sake of my sanity I usually just go by myself. However, this past weekend we only had 3 gifts left to buy and entire Saturday afternoon with nothing to do. What could go wrong, right? Store one, in and out no problem. Store two, no so much. We had a simple task, perfume for his grandmother, easy enough. Long story short we walked in and got bombarded by overly aggressive sales people. He picked one and I followed. She happened to sell designer perfume such as Baby Phat, which doesn't exactly scream grandmother. None the less I sniffed until I couldn't smell anything. I asked her if I could try one someone had suggested to us earlier. She took us took it and sprayed about 10 sprays of on the little perfume card (come to find out she did not sell that particular perfume and was trying to make it really strong so we would not like it). When I said it was strong she said ok, then you like the other one I will ring it up. Before the word "no" could come out of my mouth Jason chimes in "yes". I tried to tell him we need to try more and at that moment the two ladies that were helping us get into a little fight right between us about their products and what we should buy. At this point Jason and I are flustered to say the least. I should also point out that we tend to handle stressful situations like this one a little different. He just wanted to buy the perfume and get the heck out of there. I wanted to stop the sale, find the sales lady I liked and keep sniffing perfume until I found the perfect one. About that time Jason and I start "discussing" our differences in opinion in between the two sales ladies that are fighting, one behind me and one behind Jason. The lady charges Jason's card in lighting speed and he rushes off as the manager comes over to see if everything is ok, as 4 people are now fighting in the middle of the perfume department. We finally get back to the car and after a few more words I look at the gift set he just purchased. It included perfume with some sort of gold lace decor around the bottle, glitter body lotion and glitter shower gel. Yes, my husband just purchased glitter bath products for his grandmother. Not to mention the fact that I usually do all the shopping, so she will surely think I picked this gift out for my 11 year old cousin and accidentally gave it to her by mistake. I told you so may have come out of my mouth once or twice on the ride home and Jason had to return the perfume gift set the next day. Needless to say Christmas shopping has officially made our list in spot number 3. I figure if we can keep the list below 10 we are doing just fine!


  1. I had to read this to Brian b/c it was making me laugh so hard!

  2. Hey Brandi! I used to work with Jason at GSM and found your blog. I'm so sorry for everything you both have been through in the last year. I know how hard that struggle is when you're ready to start your family and it WILL happen! You both are in my prayers that your little miracle is just around the corner :)
