Thursday, February 4, 2010

2 Month Survey

Here is my 2 month survey, 2 days late!

How far along? a little over 8 weeks
Total weight gain: down 2lbs
Maternity clothes?: work pants....I am SO big already
Sleep: Ok, I get up a lot to use the restroom
Best moment this week: Seeing our babies on the ultrasound and them growing like they should
Movement: None yet
Gender: boy and girl!!
Labor Signs: None!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not throwing up everytime I brush my teeth
What I'm looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on the 15th
Milestones: Our babies are now the size of green olives


  1. I love how you put the gender as boy & girl, my psychic friend! :)

  2. Im so happy to hear all is moving along successfully! :0)

  3. Hi Brandi,

    This is your kindergarten teacher!!! I am so excited about your precious miracle! You must keep me posted. My baby is off to UT in Austin this year and I miss her dearly!!! Please let me hear from you!!! Take care, Love, Rosemary Gray
