Thursday, February 18, 2010

1 year and ultrasound update

I can't believe it has already been one year since we lost our bean. One year since the word pregnancy starting meaning something so much different. One year since I started knowing more about tests, pregnancy and ultrasounds than most doctors. It has been a long road and although I miss my bean and really wish I had a 7 month old today, I am thankful for the blessings God has given us, particularly the one in my belly right now! We had our 10 week ultrasound on Monday and found out that one of our twins was no longer with us. The medical term is "vanishing twin". We were disappointed, but are THRILLED that our other baby is growing like a rock star and looks great! The doctor even moved my due date back (YES back, not up like the other pregnancy's) to September 10th. The baby was officially measuring 1 day ahead at 10 weeks exactly! Here are a few pics of our baby, that now looks like.....well a baby!


  1. It has been such a long process for you guys but God is willing and able and his grace is sufficient! Although you had a vanishing twin there is still your love child of God in there kicking and growing bigger and bigger! :0) Hope you have the awesome pregnancy you so deserve! Ryan and I are always praying for you guys! Lots of love! xoxoxo, The Phillips

  2. Hey Brandi! Great blog... I just ran across it on your facebook page. I can't believe how similar our pregnancies are. We found out on New Years day too and I'm due just one day before you on Sept 9th! I'm still keeping it a secret, but I know I need to let the cat of the bag soon! Well I'm happy I'll be able to keep up with you guys and the new addition here, so keep the good news coming!
    XOXO ~ Jess

  3. Bran! I am SO glad that I found your blog!
    I just wanted to tell you that I really admire your spirit and unending positive attitude! You are a real model for others! I knew I always loved you for a reason!! Can't wait to continue reading about your journey! Keep in touch!

  4. Hi Brandi,

    I am so excited about your new miracle that you are expecting!!! I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Take care of yourself and will look forward to seeing pictures soon!
    Love, Rosemary Gray (your kindergarten teacher)

  5. Hi there Brandi...I am a smartie pants now!!! I can post a comment to you and tell you how much I love you!!!
    Aunt Ann
